Due to the proliferation of various information and communication technologies, the management of state affairs is becoming more and more complex. In order to respond to greater availability and accessibility as well as increasing speed of transmitting large quantities of information to a global audience in real time, governments are forced to adjust their modus operandi. On the one hand, misuse of technology in the world of politics can present a significant risk provided it is not properly applied in the policy-making process or its impacts are not carefully considered. On the other hand, the use of technology presents one of the key factors in achieving foreign policy goals, which has an important impact on the environment of diplomacy.

As success or failure of technological innovations largely depend on the quality of the broader ecosystem that provides them support, governments would need to better understand the technological context within they operate in order to discover which digital trends should be followed and which not. Governments that are active on social networks require new knowledge and experience as well as different abilities and skills that are necessary for successful communication. Many government institutions are unaccustomed to new norms and modalities, and unprepared to alter their traditional processes to fit within the digital information space. Ultimately, unwilling to adapt, they risk losing the connection with their citizenry – thereby undermining their representational purpose.
Between October 2017 and September 2018, the Centre for European Perspective (CEP), in cooperation with the U.S. Department of State, conducted the project “Enhancing Digital Diplomacy Activities in Western Balkan and Eastern European Countries”, which was aimed at increasing the members’ collective capacities in order to effectively operate in the digital information space. Within this project, we trained over 120 mid- to high-level government communicators from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, and Ukraine, including digital diplomats, public relations specialists, digital media editors and other digital experts. Throughout two trainings and a workshop, we covered a range of topics from theory of public relations and public diplomacy to specific use of digital tools and practical examples of digital campaigning.

European Digital Diplomacy Exchange (EDDE) is a project and intragovernmental network of government communicators aimed at increasing our members’ collective capacities in order to effectively operate within the digital information space.
As a continuation of the previous project – “Enhancing Digital Diplomacy Activities in Western Balkan and Eastern European Countries” -, EDDE aims to build upon the achieved success, while prioritizing growth and sustainability as well as asserting leadership in the network itself and developing relationships with other governmental and bilateral partners.
The project is supported and funded by the U.S. Department of State’s grant and implemented by the Centre for European Perspective, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, within the scope of the Slovenia’s Development Cooperation.

In order to develop a sustainable network of government communicators, which could offer hands-on, government-to-government strategic digital communication guidance, training and mentorship, and establish the linkage with private technology companies, the Steering Board was formed.
It consists of public officers and communicators who have been entrusted whit this role, based on their significant contribution to the field of digital diplomacy within their respectful country and EDDE network.