1. Inside the Twitter Meltdown (Platformer)
Elon is speaking. VPs are resigning. Is bankruptcy next?
2. Distract and Divert: How World Leaders Use Social Media During Contentious Politics (Article by
How do leaders communicate during domestic crises? We provide the first global analysis of world leader communication on social media during social unrest. We develop a theory of leaders’ digital communication strategies, building on the diversionary theory of foreign policy, as well as research on the role of democratic institutions in explaining elite responsiveness.
3. A New Toolkit for Communicating Climate Action (Diplomatic Courier)
We need a new approach to communicating climate action that invites people in. At World in 2050’s inaugural Innovation Lab, delegates to the Climate & Energy Committee considered fundamental principles for how climate advocates can speak more productively with those opposed to robust climate action.
4. Summit on Digital Diplomacy and Governance (Event by Diplo Foundation)
The Summit on Digital Diplomacy and Governance, organised by DiploFoundation in cooperation with Malta’s Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, will look ahead at the future of diplomacy by reflecting on the past decades, marked by the use of technology in and for diplomacy.
5. The Future of the Internet Will Be Nothing Like Twitter, and That’s a Good Thing (Vice)
6. Social Connections and Loneliness Post-Pandemic (Diplomatic Courier)
Social connections make for a good life, yet isolation and social disconnection appear to be on the rise. With their new State of Social Connections Report, Gallup has looked deeper into this question of social connectedness by asking how people actually feel, writes Whitney DeVries.
7. Two Weeks of Chaos: Inside Elon Musk’s Takeover of Twitter (The New York Times)
Mr. Musk ordered immediate layoffs, fired executives by email and laid down product deadlines, transforming the company.