1. The disinformation landscape across Europe (EU Disinfo Lab)
You will find here country factsheets that highlight the disinformation landscape across EU Member States. From the most emblematic disinformation cases and recurrent narratives, to the community actors and the policy initiatives, you should grasp the essentials of the disinformation landscape in those countries in a short read.
We’re launching this new format with guides covering the disinformation landscape of France, Germany, Italy and Spain. We will update this list with new documents regularly.
2. Who follows Volodymyr Zelenskyy? (Digitips)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the virtual meeting of G7 leaders on the one-year anniversary of Russia’s attack against Ukraine pleading for continued support in the fight for his country.
While all G7 leaders pledged support for Ukraine, not all are giving him their full digital support: only five of the nine G7 members follow Zelensky on Instagram, namely @EmmanuelMacron, @GiorgiaMeloni, @RishiSunakMP, @CharlesMichel, and @UrsulaVonDerLeyen.
3. AI-Powered Search Engines Driving Concerns Over Accuracy, Bias (Morning Consult)
New survey finds that more than 3 in 5 adults are at least somewhat concerned over the accuracy of results, bias and misinformation in artificial intelligence-powered search engines — and with data privacy and foreign interference in AI systems more broadly
4. EVENT: “New” Public Diplomacy in the Middle East: Between Soft Power, Influence and Propaganda
5. Mob Diplomacy (Diplomatic Courier)
Recent events including the U.S. reaction to the Chinese spy balloon, suggest that governments are too reactive to public opinion when it comes to foreign policy. The need to signal strength to our publics makes dialogue between powers difficult, and that’s a problem, writes Mark Leonard.
6. Exploring the Metaverse and Its Implications for Digital Diplomacy (USC CPD)
With the arrival of the Metaverse, avatars and digital humans have the potential to fundamentally alter the way we think about visual representation in digital diplomacy. In virtual environments, avatars allow individuals to create and inhabit digital bodies that can be designed and customized in ways that are not possible in the physical world. By embracing the power of avatars and digital humans, diplomats can challenge traditional notions of representation and open up new possibilities for digital engagement and collaboration. However, to effectively utilize avatars in the Metaverse, diplomats need to understand the opportunities and risks involved, which the current discussion aims to explain.
7. Begun, the AI Wars Have (Diplomatic Courier)
AI will be at the center of geopolitical competition moving forward-we are entering an era of “AI Wars.” In his review of Paul Scharre’s “Four Battlegrounds,” Joshua Huminski suggests government leaders read books such as this to learn what they must so we can survive and thrive in this new era.
The White House on Thursday announced a new cybersecurity strategy in the latest effort by the US government to bolster its defenses amid a steady increase in hacking and digital crimes targeting the country.
9. The tech slump is encouraging venture capital to rediscover old ways (The Economist)
Small, profitable firms in strategic industries are now all the rage.
10. A Private Company Is Using Social Media to Track Down Russian Soldiers (Foreign Policy)
Open-source investigations were once potent journalistic tools, but in Ukraine, they’re being used on the battlefield.
11. How China Is Attempting to Control the ‘Information Pipes’ (The Diplomat)
In addition to beaming out its perspectives via Chinese state media, Beijing is aspiring to control both the structure and norms of global information networks.
Number zero is one of the greatest inventions in history, with a profound impact on the evolution of humanity including our digital era, which is shaped by ‘0’ and ‘1’. However, little is known about the history of the number ‘zero’. Its journey started in ancient India and moved worldwide via trade and early science diplomacy.
The utility of social media platforms as means for communication and engagement has become important for those responsible for public diplomacy. This article addresses this nexus between social media studies and diplomacy studies using original empirical research based on Facebook pages published by the diplomatic missions of 8 nations in 22 host nations.